“In the future, there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders.” – Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO

The JWA wishes you a happy women’s day!
 Actually, this day got us thinking about what an international day really means. Did you know that there are more than 140 international days recognized by the UN? There is even a toilet day!!! We think that we will achieve our goal when we don’t need to have a specific international women’s day any more.

The JWA funds projects providing help to women and children in need. Through our actions we try to implement change by supporting and empowering women.

If you have a cause you would like to support, if you have a charity you have your eyes on that needs our input and our expertise, please reach out and join our ranks! We are all ears!

Together, we can be the change not only for our daughters and us, but also for the future of our kind, step by step, united.