Pink Challah Bake - 22 October 2020
Pink Challah goes online!
Become a host and gather your team for a Zoom Pink Challah Bake!
You need the ingredients and an oven, and we will give you a bag full of goodies for your team.
Before the date we will send the dough recipe and a video on how to prepare it. 
During the Zoom Call we will braid the Challah, with the help of the talented Reut.
During the time of baking a wonderful nurse from HKBCF will inform us about Breast Cancer and Prevention.
Afterwards we want to see all the beautiful Challah!

Let’s make this years Pink Challah Bake a fun and meaningful event!!

Please let us know if you want to host a team at [email protected]

The 200 HKD/person includes a few goodies like an apron and lots of fun. 

All proceeds will be donated to the HKBCF.

Let’s make a difference!


Please email to reserve your space or for the Zoom link [email protected]