Dear Friends,
Passover is almost here, and many of us are cleaning and preparing for this special holiday in anticipation of the demands of this festival. One special requirement of Passover is Tzedaka (charity) called
Kimcha D’Pischa, a form of charity to ensure wine and matza is provided for all.  You can help the JWA in its annual fundraising campaign to donate to support women and children in need at this time by clicking here: 
Speaking of women, the JWA is thrilled to be hosting another Women’s Event on May 10th, Celebrating Women in our Community We will be honouring the women who make our community the special place that is our home.
For those of you who are travelling, travel safely. Wishing you all a very happy Passover, Chag Pesach Kasher ve sameach.
With warm regards,
Shani Brownstein and Marissa Gomez Raccah