Delicious Coconut Macaroons by Cynthia Fleischer
How lucky are we at the JWA to have on our Board one of the best bakers in Hong Kong?!?!
Cynthia from Cynthia’s Cakes, shares one of her (and now our!) favourite recipes for easy-peasy Passover treats.
Step1- in a bowl combine:
100 grams of desiccated shredded coconut
100 grams of powder sugar
1 egg 
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract.
Mix with a spatula or spoon.
Step 2- use your hands to mold the mixture first into small balls and then into little upside down cones.
Step 3- bake for 15 minutes at 180 C.
That’s it!!
Allow to cool and store in an airtight container. Can freeze. Optional, can dip in melted chocolate.
This recipe makes 13 small macaroons.
To top with chocolate melt the chocolate in the microwave and spoon over the upside down cone shaped macaroons
Have any recipes you would like to share?
Please email us at [email protected] and check our Instagram account to see how you spread the love!