Dear Friends,
As we enter this new month of Adar, we remember: “Mi she nichnass Adar marbim be simcha” (We should be joyful as we celebrate the Month of Adar).
With that the JWA has many exciting projects to look forward to in the coming weeks. Below you will find information about our new Fundraising Initiatives for this year including our “Flowers for Passover” campaign starting this Monday March 5th, as well as upcoming events for Newcomers to Hong Kong and the ever-popular JWA Baby Group. 

As you are probably aware, the JWA works very hard to support project-based programs with a select group of partner organizations. In this manner, we can maximize the impact of donations and ensure that they go directly to those who need it most, not to overheads or other administrative expenses.
We are reaching out to you as part of our annual appeal process, in lieu of the JWA Gala or Yom Ha’azmout Ball. We would like to request that you continue to support the projects our partners are spearheading this year. 

Click here to find details of these projects and a short overview of the organizations’ mission. We invite you to make your donation project-specific if you wish to do so by using our form or contacting [email protected]. Your support is absolutely vital to women and children both in Hong Kong and Israel!!!

Save the date for the 10th of May 2018, when the JWA will be holding an encore event to the very successful Women’s Evening. During this evening we will be celebrating the contribution of key women in our community, recognizing that without their valuable service and contributions, the Hong Kong community would not be what it is today.  

We cannot thank you enough for your continued generous support. Together we have meaningful impact on the lives of others. Happy Purim!!!

With warm and happy regards,

Shani Brownstein and Marissa Gomez Raccah